Delivery information
How do I find out the Estimated Delivery Date?
You can check the estimated shipping time for a given product before purchasing using the postcode box in the basket or by entering your postcode into the 'Estimated Shipping Box' on the product page.
Are there any delivery charges?
Unfortunately, while we continue working tirelessly to provide free shipping across the United Kingdom, there are currently a select few locations where a delivery charge applies. To view whether this is applicable for you, please check the map below:
When will I find out my exact delivery time slot?
Once your order has been processed and completed, our logistics team will work behind the scenes to deliver your item(s) at the earliest possible convenience! As soon as your goods are ready to ship, they will schedule a delivery date and reach out to you to confirm the exact delivery date and time slot for your order - this is typically 72 hours before the delivery takes place!
Please Note: We start very early in the morning. Goods are delivered 7 days per week between 6.00am and 8.00pm.
What happens if the provided delivery date is not suitable for me?
Should the provided delivery date not be suitable or an urgent situation arises whereby a re-arrangement of the delivery date is needed, please reach out to our customer service team as soon as possible!
Please Note: We require at least one working day's notice to re-arrange the delivery. After the delivery date has been confirmed and no re-arrangement is needed, someone must be at the address to take delivery; if not, there may be an additional re-delivery charge of £40.
Signing For Your Delivery
All deliveries must be signed for upon delivery. Before signing for delivery, please visually inspect the goods to ensure the packaging and the product are in perfect condition and your property has not been damaged in any way during the delivery process. If necessary, please make sure you detail any problems on the delivery note. When your goods are delivered please retain the original packaging until you are sure that you do not need to return the goods for any reason.